
Little Red Wine Riding Hood

In 1990, a traditional version of Little Red Riding Hood was removed from schools in Empire, California; supposedly because the classic Grimm’s fairy tale recounts that the little girl took a bottle of wine to her grandmother. ”That passage condones the use of alcohol,” said Lynn McPeak, the district’s interim curriculum director. ”It is one reason we chose not to distribute the book.”

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Top 10 Songs About Wine.

There are countless numbers of songwriters who’ve also been inspired by wine, but writing songs about wine isn’t a new phenomena. The "Charles Heidsieck Waltz" was an orchestral piece composed by Paul Mestrozzi which debuted in 1895! Below are my top 10 songs with wine in the lyrics: 10. Celebration by Kanye West “You know what though? You my favorite accident. So go head pop some Cristal.” 9. Ironic by Alanis Morrisette "It’s a black…

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Beef Made Easy–A Guide to Retail Beef Cuts, and Recommended Cooking Methods.

Quite a handy little guide! Click the image to get a larger view; then print it out (at work obviously, as it’ll use-up a lot of ink), and stick it in your kitchen! Then, hide it when your friends come round for dinner, and dazzle them with your infinite knowledge of what part of the cow that steak came from! Beef Made Easy–A Guide to Retail Beef Cuts, and Recommended Cooking Methods.

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King Tut’s Wine.

When Tutankhamun’s tomb was opened in 1922; the wine jars buried with him were labeled with the year, the name of the winemaker, and comments such as “very good wine.” The labels were reportedly so specific that they could actually meet modern wine labeling laws of several countries.

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What is Brix?

Now we’re getting nerdy!!! “Brix” is the term used to designate the percentage of sugar in grapes before fermentation. If you divide a Brix number by 2 and add 1, you will be given roughly half that amount in alcohol. Therefore, grapes harvested at 24° Brix will be converted by yeast to 13% alcohol, more or less, depending on the type of yeast used. Congratulations! You are now one step closer to understanding wine tech-sheets!

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Oogy Wawa!!! How to Say “Cheers!” in 51 Different Languages.

The very first record of “Cheers!” can be found in the 18th century as a shout of encouragement or support. Nowadays it has many different meanings, depending on which context it’s used in. As a toast, cheers became from “Good Cheer” in the early 20th century. Us English? Well, we just say Cheers as a form of thanks. Believe it or not, cheers is one of the most used expressions around the world, so who…

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I Have a Confession to Make…

There’s something that’s been weighing on my mind for quite some time now. Truth be told, the only reason I’m posting it here is that I was caught “in the act” by my wife; and now I’ve been shamed into telling the whole world, (or at least whomever stumbles across this website). Ok, here goes…. Whenever I’m drinking anything that I deem to be a decent bottle of wine (I deem “decent” to be most…

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