
Est! Est!! Est!!!

An Italian white wine named Est! Est!! Est!!! got its name from a medieval story (you decide whether it’s true)…. A bishop was planning to travel the Italian countryside and asked his scout to find inns that had good wines, marking the door with “Est” (“It is” or “This is it”). The scout was so excited about the local wine found in the area that he marked one inn’s door “Est! Est!! Est!!!” I’m not…

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Little Red Wine Riding Hood

In 1990, a traditional version of Little Red Riding Hood was removed from schools in Empire, California; supposedly because the classic Grimm’s fairy tale recounts that the little girl took a bottle of wine to her grandmother. ”That passage condones the use of alcohol,” said Lynn McPeak, the district’s interim curriculum director. ”It is one reason we chose not to distribute the book.”

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Top 10 Songs About Wine.

There are countless numbers of songwriters who’ve also been inspired by wine, but writing songs about wine isn’t a new phenomena. The "Charles Heidsieck Waltz" was an orchestral piece composed by Paul Mestrozzi which debuted in 1895! Below are my top 10 songs with wine in the lyrics: 10. Celebration by Kanye West “You know what though? You my favorite accident. So go head pop some Cristal.” 9. Ironic by Alanis Morrisette "It’s a black…

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This Week in Wine 10/24/11

Actually it’s more like ‘”Last Week in Wine”, since I didn’t get a chance to post this yesterday!   Shelf crash destroys 6,810 wine bottles A Wisconsin liquor store that lost 6,810 bottles of wine and champagne in a shelf collapse has posted footage of the incident to YouTube. Superior Discount Liquor in Sheboygan posted security camera footage of the collapse, which occurred in July as Badger Liquor Co. salesman Nick Haen was restocking the…

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Coffin Doubles as a Wine Rack…or is that Vice-Versa?

Holy sh*t balls…they have to be kidding! Unfortunately it seems as though they are not! The "Vintner’s Vessel" (as it has been so aptly named) will most certainly appeal to anyone with an affinity for fine wines (and disturbing furniture). This exquisite piece of pine craftsmanship will make itself extremely useful during your lifetime (and after). The moment you kick the bucket, the interior framework can be slid out to be re-assembled as a free-standing…

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The Strange Search Engine Results I Occasionally Attract.

So I was going through my Google Analytics the other day, checking into some of the back-end data, looking at some of the most popular search keywords that lead people to wind up at this website etc etc etc…all very boring! I have a fairly short attention-span, and so after a while, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of the “long tail” search results I receive. These are search…

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The Bitch is Back….and This Time She’s Spanish!

Aussie cult winemaker Chris Ringland has escaped from Australia and he has created a Spanish version of Bitch Grenache. The Bitch has been on a hiatus of sorts for the past few vintages. She (I presume it’s a she) was one of the Australian labels underneath the Grateful Palate umbrella that went into bankruptcy last year. Well, fans of the Bitch will be pleased to know that she’s back…and she’s switched her Australian accent for…

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Oogy Wawa!!! How to Say “Cheers!” in 51 Different Languages.

The very first record of “Cheers!” can be found in the 18th century as a shout of encouragement or support. Nowadays it has many different meanings, depending on which context it’s used in. As a toast, cheers became from “Good Cheer” in the early 20th century. Us English? Well, we just say Cheers as a form of thanks. Believe it or not, cheers is one of the most used expressions around the world, so who…

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