
14 of the Best DIY Wine Christmas Decoration Projects.
Once again we have an odd-number to begin this post with! Why 14 of the Best DIY Wine Christmas Decoration Projects, you ask? The answer is very simple: I need limit myself to a certain amount of time on Pinterest each week. The reason for that is: You know how Australian Aborigines believe that every time your photo is taken, you lose a small piece of your soul? Well, I have a similar theory about…
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Well, I’ve finished my Christmas list!
In retrospect; if Santa can only make the first thing on my Christmas list happen, I wouldn’t be too disappointed…
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First World Wine Problems.

Choose Your Desert Island Wine!
You and a friend are being sent to a deserted island for 6 months…for reasons known only to you! Luckily you are allowed 3 wines to take with you. Which 3 wines do you choose?(Let’s also say that you have a way of keeping white wines chilled.)
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How to Cook a Turkey…with a Little Help from Wine.
My Story: The Fresh Prince of Bel Air Version.
In the average week I can’t even count the number of times I get asked where I’m from, how I came to end up in this country, how I met my wife, and how I got into wine. I therefore did what any rational person would do, and set my life story to the beat of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Now I can just direct them to this post and all will become…
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First World Wine Problems.

What Are Your Plans for November?

First World Wine Problems.

First World Wine Problems

Imitation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery!
i knew I should have jumped on this idea earlier! I could have made a small fortune! What we are looking at in the below picture (in the top left corner) is a Photoshopped image I created a few weeks ago. in the main picture is the ACTUAL sign that someone went ahead (after contacting me first) and created for themselves! Very cool I do have to say! VIVA THE WINE PARTY 2012!!!
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