Sex Therapist Dr. Ruth Releases a Wine That’s Sure to Arouse.

Dr-Ruth-Westheimer-Sex-Therapist-WineNew wine brand  innovations seem to be coming from the strangest places these days!

The Drinks Business has reported that TV sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer has totally out of left-field and launched her own line of wines, to help “relax” and “arouse” couples.

Vin d’Amour Chardonnay, Zinfandel and Cabernet Sauvignon contain just 6% alcohol, compared to the usual 12-14%, along with Westheimer’s smiling face on the label.

“My idea is that just the right amount of alcohol will awaken your senses and arouse you. I’m always saying couples should drink to relax, but not too much. If the woman drinks too much, she falls asleep and if the man drinks too much, he can’t perform” told the 83-year-old Holocaust survivor.

The wine (made in California) will be sold at a very reasonable $7.99 – $9.99 per bottle and goes on sale in New York grocery stores this July, with a portion of the profits going to the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

Click here for the full article.

My Thoughts…

Who knew that the low alcohol wine movement would be fueled by an aging sex therapist!?!? Not me, that’s for sure!!!

I can’t say that I’ve ever tasted a Cab or Zin with as low as 6% alcohol, but I’m always open to the idea.
My wine chemistry is kind of rusty, but from what I know, low/zero alcohol brands such as Fre actually initially make the wine in the usual fashion, and then use some kinf of reverse-osmosis to strip it of its alcohol (and inevitably most of its flavor). The results are usually pretty sketchy.  I’m not too sure how the Doc is getting these wines down to 6%, but I won’t knock it until I’ve tried it!

Full respect to Dr. Ruth on this one, for putting together what in my opinion is a breath of fresh air for the wine industry! She could have quite easily have come up with some gimmicky sex-themed name like……hmmmmm…..let me think….something like Bitch or Penetration or Sexy Wine Bomb or Quickie!……..oh wait…….all those are already taken

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