What is BlogYourWine.com?
Blogyourwine.com uses the Internet and Social Media to talk and engage consumers about your wine.Think of it like a feature in a magazine, only;
– Far less expensive.
– More engaging.
– Remaining visible for much longer.
– More widely distributed, and with a greater reach.
– Reading more like an editorial, rather than a paid feature.
Ok, so how can it help me?
Your wines will be featured on the site(s), with me essentially serving as your winery/brand advocate. I’ll create content (spread over a month-long period), in the form of:
Advocate your wine/winery through social media.
Create user-friendly and engaging content based solely around your wines.

Share the created content through social media outlets.

Reinforce your visibility online, as well as follow-up engagement.

Provide support integrating social media into your current marketing strategy.

Connect one-on-one directly with consumers in conversations about your wine.
Content takes multiple forms:
Original wine insights in video form. Short, to the point, fun, packed full of information, and with high search visibility.
Wine insights in text form which give a detailed background on the wines you produce, rather than strictly focusing on taste.
Original editorial-quality photos of your wines taken and hosted online in various forums, again with high search visibility.
Meals created specifically to pair with your wines, with the results being documented and published.
Submission of created content to online wine networks / communities.
Engaging the public through online conversation on various social media outlets.
What’s the purpose behind this?
The overall aim of the program is to provide an uptake in conversations, brand engagement, and connections; pushing new customers through your “brand acceptance funnel” as quickly as possible.