Sparky Marquis

Mollydooker Winemaker Sparky Marquis

Believe it or not, me and Sparky go waaaaaaaay back! I’m talking 2009, here! Mollydooker winemaker Sparky Marquis was actually the first ever winemaker I interviewed when I started blogging. This week he came back to Jacksonville for the release of his 2010 wines. The interview was supposed to last about 15 minutes. We ended up talking for closer to an hour.   <Sparky starts pouring every-single one of his wines into glasses lined up…

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Interview with Sparky Marquis from Mollydooker Wines

On September 22nd, The Mollydooker Team consisting of Sparky Marquis-Winemaker, Janet Gawith-Sparky’s Mom, and Bryan Janssen-Mollydooker Business Development, rolled into Jacksonville, Florida straight from Southern Australia. After a left-handed handshake from all 3 and an extensive lunch, I got time for some questions for Sparky. Interview conducted at B.Bs Restaurant, San Marco, Jacksonville on Sept 22nd 2009 Kris Chislett: Name? Sparky Marquis: Sparky Marquis from Mollydooker Wines KC: DOB? SM: 3/12/1962 KC: Occupation? SM: Winemaker….

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