Wine on Television

This Week In Wine – 12/25/11
Gallo Winery Gets Russian River Valley AVA Expanded. After years of regulatory wrangling, mega-producer E. & J. Gallo eventually emerged victorious in its quest to enlarge the Russian River Valley AVA, in a decision announced by the Alcohol and Tobacco Trade Bureau (TTB) on Nov. 16, 2011, effective Dec. 16. As requested in the petition from Gallo Family Vineyards, the ruling expands the RRV AVA by 14,044 acres (about 23 square miles). The AVA…
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Wine on TV – Why it Won’t Work.
Do you ever wonder why there aren’t any TV shows (at least good ones) focused on wine? I do. Food seems to hog all the limelight, and has amassed its fair share of personalities: Gordon Ramsey, Emeril Lagasse, Paula Deen, Rachael Ray, Nigella Lawson, Delia Smith, Bobby Flay, Anthony Bourdain, and Jamie Oliver, to name just a few. Who does wine have? No-one. Seriously. No-one. But there has to be a reason why food is…
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