Virginia is for (Wine) Lovers!

Virginia is for Wine Lovers


Probably about the same time that you are reading this, I will have started my short journey from Jacksonville up to Charlottesville, Virginia; the destination for this years Wine Bloggers Conference. This is the first time the conference has been held on the East Coast, and I’m psyched that I can finally manage to make it! I’ve attended countless wine tastings in my time “in the industry” but never anything on the scale of this. Needless to say I do have a few butterflies in my stomach!


A number of the attendees are people that I already know through either their wine blogs, Facebook and/or Twitter accounts; however not one of them have I actually ever met in-person.
I was hoping that I would be the only English accent at the WBC (it’s always a good ice-breaker at networking events); then I heard that Jancis Robinson OBE MW will be stealing my thunder as the keynote speaker this year! Dammit Jancis!
Just kidding…I’m a huge fan, and will probably go into weak-at-the-knees-wine-nerd-mode once I meet her/see her speak!

I’m not too sure how much time I’ll get to blog whilst I’m up there, but I do have a few pre-written posts already lined up for this website, so there will still be content added over the next 4 days. The majority of my activity will be taking place on Facebook and Twitter though; the links can be found at the top right-hand corner of this website (wine bottles), so if you’re not already a fan, get on it!


Needless to say the Virginia wine industry is also pretty stoked about having a bunch of wine bloggers invading their great State; so much so that they actually put together a really nice little welcome video!

I also wanted to give a shout-out to the sponsors and donors that made this event (and in fact my attendance) possible. I received a scholarship for the Wine Bloggers Conference which financed my travel and hotel stay, so I think it more than appropriate to give them a mention!
Thanks again guys!.

The Sponsors (Corporate)

Cornerstone Napa
Melissa Dobson PR & Marketing
Cartograph Wines
Hahn Wines
Wine Soiree
Layer Cake


The Donors (Individual)

Amy Corron Power – Another Wine Blog
Melanie Ofenrich – Dallas Wine Chick
Joe Herrig – Suburban Wino
Liza Swift – Brix Chicks
Amanda Maynard – Wineing Woman
Megan Kenney – Wannabe Wino
Scott Wadlow – The Vino File
Doug Levy – A Marin Foodie’s Diary
Debbie Gioquindo Hudson Valley Wine Goddess


Apologies in advance if it takes a little longer than normal to get back to any emails / comments in the 4 days that I’m gone. I would like to finish with a quick thanks to everyone who has been following my progress on this website (and social media accounts) over the last year+. Your comments and loyalty mean a lot more than you know, and I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you!

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