What Your New Year Wine Resolutions Should Be…

I agree with Calvin!...or is that Hobbes? We didn't have this cartoon in England, give me a break! Anyway, the short one is right!

  1. Drink more bubbles. Self explanatory…
  2. Give Riesling a chance. It ain’t all as sweet as you think!
  3. Buy at least one bottle of wine each month from a grape, or region that you’re not familiar with. Open your mind!
  4. Do a little research on a wine before or after you drink it. I’m here to help!
  5. Buy from small, local, independent wine retailers. Will their prices be a few $’s more expensive? Maybe. Will you save yourself more money in the long-run, and have an overall more pleasant shopping experience? Definitely.
  6. If you notice someone putting White Zinfandel in their shopping cart, don’t judge them! Just, when they’re not looking, switch it out with a bottle of Provence Rose, and hide it under the rest of their groceries. By the time they notice, it’ll be too late…
  7. Teach more people the correct pronunciation of Meritage [Mare-it-tidge], and Moet [Moe-et]. Don’t be an arse about it, though!
  8. Invest in a decent set of wine glasses…and then hide them from house guests, small pets, and children….
  9. Sign up for the Wine Century Club (it’s free).
  10. Start a wine collection. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy!
  11. If you’re a relatively new wine drinker (i.e. less than 10 years), refrain from uttering the statement; “I hate <insert name of a wine grape>!” You don’t hate it, in-fact, you haven’t even began to understand it!
  12. Start to pay more attention to the serving temperatures of your wine. It makes a HUGE difference! If in doubt, use the 20 minute wine rule: Take your white wine out of the refrigerator 20 minutes before you are ready to serve it, and put your red wine in the refrigerator 20 minutes before you are ready to serve it.
  13. If you’re buying Californian, think outside of the “usual suspect regions”. Start with Mendocino and Santa Barbara, and go from there…
  14. Read this website more :)


  • December 29, 2011

    Eileen Gross

    Great list! I love #11 ~~ Cheers!

  • December 29, 2011

    Kris Chislett

    You’re lying! You ACTUALLY favor #6, but are too scared to take me up on the suggestion! :)

  • December 30, 2011

    Juliana Ficheli Hoffman

    Insightful list almost like an oracle !

  • December 30, 2011

    Juliana Ficheli Hoffman

    Insightful list almost like an oracle !

  • January 4, 2012

    Kris Chislett

    Cheers! Glad you enjoyed.

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